When it comes to sifting between different options available for managing your debt and finance, it is important to make sure that you choose the best option that best suits the circumstances and your affordability. It is unwise to choose an option and then give it up in the middle of the process. This will further jeopardize your debt as well as your financial health. In turn, it will affect your health, both physically and mentally... ❯❯❯
As a parent, one of your main goals is to provide your children with the care and guidance they need to have fulfilling lives. There are countless ways to help your kids grow into the people you want them to become, and the right tools can help you come closer to achieving your parenting goals. However, with all the advice that’s readily available, it can be difficult to know where to begin on your personal journey of fostering... ❯❯❯
The relationship between oral health and overall health is one that people historically have not understood. One reason: the healthcare industry has only slowly come around to the idea that the mouth is an interconnected part of the whole body and should be considered on the same plane; what affects one part of the body can affect any of the other parts. Thus, maintaining the health of your mouth is just as important as maintaining the... ❯❯❯
Seniors require exercise just as much as anyone else, but some activities can be tough on aging bodies. That’s where Tai Chi comes to the rescue. Tai Chi is an effective workout anyone can enjoy by mastering a few simple basics. The literal translation of Tai Chi is supreme ultimate boxing. There are several theories about how Tai Chi got started, but it certainly has its origins in martial arts and it came from China. It’s a low... ❯❯❯
Have you found yourself losing interest in healthy eating and exercise? You might have been gung-ho for a week or two and then your determination to be healthier faded away. This leads to us falling right back into our bad habits. Here’s a quick look at a few tips and tricks that can make you healthier in the long run. Get Straight Many people find themselves turning to pills for one thing or another – even prescription drugs. While,... ❯❯❯
When it comes to working out to build muscle, everyone is obsessed with meat and protein in general, but there are many other foods that help to build muscle and look better, too. Honestly, protein doesn't deserve all the attention it gets. Understandably so, foods that are protein-rich can help to boost muscle protein synthesis, but when it comes to energy for exercise, very few foods will beat complex carbohydrates or nuts. Learn... ❯❯❯
Sensitive teeth can cause discomfort or pain, but today you have more options than ever for treating this condition. These are the facts about tooth sensitivity and steps you and your dentist can take to prevent or reduce any discomfort. The Facts About Sensitive Teeth Know your triggers. Many things can irritate teeth including hot and cold foods, sweet or sour tastes, cold air, and being touched by other teeth or your tongue.... ❯❯❯
Most doctors and health professionals will agree: there are no foods that are healthier than vegetables. Trouble is, most people find that eating vegetables on a daily basis is challenging. Think back to when you were a child, slapping the broccoli out of your parent's hands. You weren’t into veggies in the first place. Getting into it now, when no one is forcing you to eat it, can be even harder. Truth is, vegetables are essential... ❯❯❯
For years nutritionists recommended eating a diverse diet, but it turns out that advice may be outdated. A recent study by the American Heart Association found that a varied diet can actually increase the risk of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Before the twentieth century, it made sense to try to eat a lot of different foods because malnutrition was widespread. Today, many adults are consuming too much food, including both... ❯❯❯
If you’re a baby boomer, you may be watching your weight and visiting the gym regularly to stay fit. However, there could be an important health issue you’re overlooking. Your risk of contracting hepatitis C is five time higher than the general population if you were born between 1946 and 1965. In fact, an estimated 80% of patients with hepatitis C belong to the baby boomer generation. Yet, only 13% of this group have been tested as... ❯❯❯