
Want a Natural-Looking Breast Augmentation? Here’s What to Ask For

Beauty standards change with generations, as does the demand for specific types of cosmetic surgeries. From the entry of silicone implants into the cosmetic industry in the 1960s to a little over a decade ago, breast augmentation has been common. 

In recent years, trends have shifted to less dramatic procedures, with most breast augmentation patients seeking more natural-looking breasts that fit well with their bodies. It is more about enhancing features in a subtle way.

Here are some approaches to breast augmentation you may want to ask for if you want to stay on the current trend. 

Go For Breasts That Fit Your Frame

You may have a liking for large breasts, but if you are looking for a natural look, their size has to fit into your frame. Otherwise, they will be noticeably fake. If you already have a good size breasts but you want them larger, consider staying within the cup size. 

It is advised to explore only going up one cup size before considering going larger. For example, a B cup size can jump to a C cup and could maintain a natural look.

Most experts have patients try out bras with different cup sizes to get an idea of what they will look like post-surgery. If it seems too big, it probably will be too big, and you may need to tone it down.

Focus On Placement

The placement of silicone implants determines the final appearance of the breasts. Most Austin breast augmentation doctors employ a dual-plane technique, which involves placing an implant on the upper and lower parts of the breasts but at different locations. 

On the upper side, they place the implant under the muscle tissue. On the lower part, they place it above it to give the breasts a natural sloping look and avoid giving it an overly round appearance. 

Some surgeons prefer placing the implants strictly under the muscle tissue so that the edges of the silicone implant are less visible. However, they may need to be a little more relative to ensure their patients do not end up with an unnatural-looking breast.  

Projection Matters

Projection in breast augmentation refers to how far out the beats protrude from the chest wall. If they stick too far from the chest wall, they will look contrived. If they have a broader width, you may end up with a look that gives the impression of a heavy bust. 

Like everything else, you want to strike a balance. Your surgeon can help balance the projections you hope to achieve and the width so you have an outcome that fits well with your anatomy. 

Don’t Discount Fat Grafting

Fat grafting refers to removing fat from one part of the body and injecting it into another. Fat grafting is most effective at refining breast imperfections. For example, it can come in to refine implant edges in areas where it is visible. Also, it helps with creating the desired cleavage. 

The main drawback to this approach is that there are no guarantees that the grafted fat will stay in place, so you may need to repeat the procedure several times. 

Lastly, you want to consider incision precision. There is no way of placing a breast implant without leaving a scar. Typically, surgeons will choose the least visible location, so before going under the knife, seek to know where you can expect scarring and consider looking at the available options. 

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