Winter Sports Injury Prevention
Many athletes spend all year waiting for winter to arrive, as this signifies the start of their athletic season. This may seem different for some athletes who are more used to athletics in the warm weather. But, whether their sport takes place indoors or outdoors, excitement levels are at an all-time high when it’s time to compete for winter sports. This excitement can be put on hold, however, if an injury is sustained as a result of your participation. To help you stay healthy this winter, our team at Massapequa Pain Management & Rehabilitation would like to share some advice on how you can keep yourself physically fit, active, and potentially injury-free.
As an athlete, it’s easy to believe that training specifically for your sport is the best way to succeed and avoid injury. However, the team here at Massapequa Pain Management and Rehabilitation is here to tell you otherwise. Cross-training is a great way to stay in game-shape and avoid missing time on the field due to injury. Benefits of cross-training include:
- Workout repetition is reduced.
- Certain muscles get to relax while others stay engaged.
- Your entire body gets a full workout.
- Improves skill, agility, and balance.
- Wear Proper Equipment
Many people tend to head to the mountains for skiing and snowboarding during this time of year. Before you hit the slopes, make sure that all your equipment is on and functioning correctly. Both your helmet and boots should fit correctly and be strapped on tightly. Also, be sure to layer up your clothing to ensure that you remain as dry and warm as possible. Finally, take a few minutes to inspect your equipment for any potential issues to help ensure a smooth, safe trip down the mountain.
Learn To Fall Correctly
If skiing or snowboarding is your winter sport of choice, you’ll know that falling during your descent can lead to injury. We often recommend snowing/skiing in safe conditions, such as when there is a large amount of powder. This will help cushion any falls that you may potentially sustain while on the slopes. While there is no real method to escape injury when falling on harder surfaces such as ice, doing the below during a fall can help prevent them:
- Try to relax.
- Don’t dig your edges into the snow.
- Aim your feet downhill.
- Don’t put your arms out to break a fall.
- Stay Hydrated
No matter the season or the sport, staying hydrated is always necessary when trying to avoid injury. However, the cold weather of winter can make this somewhat difficult as you may not feel as thirsty as you would in the warmer months. Nevertheless, the fluids lost during physical activity always need to be replenished to help prevent muscle cramps or spasms. Dehydration can also lead to spells of dizziness or fainting, which are extremely dangerous to face when engaged in physical activity.
Chiropractic Care
Unfortunately, despite your best efforts, winter sports injuries can sometimes be unavoidable. Luckily, the team at Massapequa Pain Management & Rehabilitation is prepared to offer you high quality, effective chiropractic care if you fall victim to a sports injury this winter. Our chiropractic staff will work to help to restore joint function while reducing any joint inflammation and pain associated with your injury.
Suffering an injury is the easiest way to derail a promising winter sports season. If a sports injury strikes you this winter, our talented staff is prepared to work tirelessly to treat your injury and get you back in the game as soon as possible! Be sure to contact the Massapequa Pain Management & Rehabilitation team to get the care you need today!
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